Constitutive Property Models and the Ideal Gas State; 结构性质模型及理想气体状态;引言;
The positive results show: There is considerable development in the rural public goods supplies in the recent years, but the constitutive property and the regional characteristic are insufficient. 结果表明:现阶段农村公共物品有了长足的发展,但仍然存在结构性和区域性不足;
A visco-plastic constitutive model was proposed to describe the strain-range-dependence and non-saturated property of cyclic hardening observed by experiments. 针对循环硬化行为的应变幅值依赖性和相对大应变幅值下的非饱和特性,建立了新的粘塑性循环本构模型。
Some scholars have proposed soil constitutive models that can take account of structural property on the basis of all kinds of theories and methods, and have achieved satisfactory results. 针对这个现实,目前有些学者已基于各种理论和方法,提出了一些可以考虑土结构性影响的土本构模型,并得了较好的应用。
In virtue of the finite element model, gained the constitutive property of the material, i.e. the true stress-true strain curve by the finite element inverse method. 借助有限元模型,采用有限元反推法得到了材料的塑性变形的本构关系,即真应力应变曲线。
When domestic resources of the home country not yet fully use, when has the constitutive property surplus, by now FDI also had to be decided by the domestic and foreign investments profit margin size. 当母国国内资源尚未充分利用,但发生结构性剩余时,这时的FDI还要取决于国内外的投资利润率大小。
On the basis of the classical plastic theory, the nonlinear elastoplastic constitutive relation that reflects the shearing expansion property of single fissure is established, which accords with the irrelative plastic flowing law. 根据经典的塑性理论建立了反映剪胀特性的单裂隙非线弹塑性本构关系,服从非关联塑性流动法则。
From the concept and constitutive requirements of commercial secret, this article analyses its legal feature and determines it a kind of intellectual property rights. 本文从商业秘密的概念和构成要件入手,简要分析了商业秘密的法律性质,明确商业秘密是一种知识产权。
In order to obtain a constitutive relation of saturated soil with laterally constrained compression under cyclic loading, a series of experiments have been carried out so as to describe the nonlinear and hysteresis characteristics property. 为了得到往复荷载作用下有侧限的饱和砂土的本构关系,反映非线性和滞回特性并能方便地应用于发生液化的情况,进行了系列实验。
The non_linear planar mean square response and the random stability of a viscoelastic cable that has a small curvature and subjects to planar narrow band random excitation is studied. The Kelvin viscoelastic constitutive model is chosen to describe the viscoelastic property of the cable material. 基于Kelvin粘弹性材料本构模型,研究小曲率粘弹性索在窄带随机激励作用下的非线性随机稳定性及均方响应·首先建立小曲率粘弹性索数学模型;
The constitutive elements should be: ( 1) the doer disposes the property in his own name; 其构成要件包括:1、行为人以自己的名义实施了处分行为;
The constitutive requirements of public benefit collection must be legal and its object includes property rights, movables and immovables. 公益征收的构成要件必须法定,其客体应包括动产、不动产和财产权利三类。
Loess inhabits a special status in geological engineering due to its special characteristics such as collapsibility, constitutive property, unsaturation and its effects on engineering. 黄土具有湿陷性、结构性及非饱和性等特殊性质,往往对工程具有不利影响,是岩土工程研究的热点问题。
After the experiment and the theoretical analysis, have established the reflection freezing and thawing to the soil body constitutive property influence dynamic constitutive parameter. 经过试验和理论分析,得到了反映冻融对土体结构性影响的动态结构性参数。
The application of conceptive, functionality, constitutive property and cosmetic Chinese elements in traditional Chinese style furniture and its functionality semantics, constitutive property semantics and symbolic semantics were discussed. 在总结传统中式家具造型特征的基础上得出了富含文化内涵的概念性、功能性、结构性、装饰性等中国元素,并对它们所传达的功能性、结构性和象征性等语义进行了分析。
Water is one of the dominant factors affecting soil dynamic characteristics, which has significant effect on the constitutive property of soil. 水是影响土体动力性质的主导因素之一,对土的结构性有非常显著的影响。
At the macroscale, based on the evolution of dislocation density, a physically based constitutive model of the HR-2 alloy is constructed. The thermally-activated stress of helium clusters is added into the constitutive model for describing the effect of helium on the mechanical property of HR-2 alloy. 在宏观尺度上,建立了基于位错密度演化的HR-2合金物理本构模型,并将氦团簇的热激活应力引入到本构方程以描述氦对HR-2合金力学性能的影响。
The compression constitutive equation that is fitted using the experimental data is applied to the finite element analysis to consider the property of RPC material. 在有限元分析中,根据试验拟合出的活性粉末混凝土受压本构方程,来考虑活性粉末混凝土材料的特性。
Research on the constitutive property of unsaturated natural soils. 对非饱和原状土进行结构性研究。
In the view of this, this issue will be study in three aspects. They are the constitutive requirements of unmarried cohabitation clarify, the definition of the scope of the unmarried cohabitation property and regulation of the unmarried cohabitation property relations. 对此需要从明确非婚同居的构成要件、界定非婚同居财产的范围、规范非婚同居财产关系这三个角度进行论述。